Friday, April 24, 2009

mGs CoNcErT dAy!

oh yea.. ytd i went to the MGS orchestra concert..
i went there bout 6 and walk around till 8..
walking here and there dono whr to go.. haha..
oh... and the MGS hall suddenly tak ada electric..
so the concert had to take place in their canteen...
haha.. have u ever tried or seen a concert in a canteen?
haha... its the best and the 1st concert i ever go b4... =p
although is hot.. but i tell u la.. it will be the best concert in my mind!
awh.. im out of idea ad... cya guys.. and ty to uue!!!
u know who u r... =) ty yea!


  1. hell yea.the most yeng one.haha. it gv me an unforgettable nite. ^^
